Quality politics

The Management of DIAGNOSIS DERMATOLOGICA, from its commitment to the development and continuous improvement of our Quality Management System, has established the Quality Policy that is presented below.


Our dermatological analysis, prevention, intervention, monitoring and treatment services for our patients are supported by this operational and functional line.

Objectives that are established as a whole in Service Quality and in the application of the different actions necessary to achieve them.


  • Personalized attention to the patient and the rest of the interested parties in order to obtain their maximum satisfaction at all stages.
  • Development and doctor-patient monitoring through the different services, interventions, analysis, technology and treatments currently available.
  • Communicate to the patient or other relevant interested parties, as far in advance as possible, any incidents that may occur in the provision of the service and thus minimize the impact they may have.
  • Extensive collaboration with professionals, medical specialists and patient-related experts.
  • Know and eliminate risk situations that could harm our patients in some way or be influenced by third parties.
  • Continuous training of the organization’s staff, medical and technical team.
  • Extend and improve dermatological solutions in the early detection of skin diseases and skin cancer.
  • Promote training, methodology, praxis, medical rigor, research, training, treatments, techniques used and technology used in the organization at the national and international level.
  • Ensure maximum effectiveness in terms of quality management in the different areas, services, processes and treatments.
  • Constant technological improvement and innovation of our facilities to optimize all our processes.
  • Encourage the participation of the entire team in the continuous improvement process. We understand that quality of service is a customer’s right, and as such, it must be part of the personal style of the people who make up our organization.
  • Compliance with current legislation in all activities carried out, as well as identifying in the context of the organization to determine risks, changes and opportunities in order to continuously apply improvements.


This guideline is periodically reviewed by the Board and Management in order to adapt it to the purposes of our organization and establish the corresponding quality objectives for its application. These objectives are communicated to all members of the company and the appropriate and necessary resources are provided to facilitate their achievement.


The application of these values ​​in their daily work is established for all members of the company, in order to contribute to the Quality Policy , offering the best service and attention to our patients and interested parties.

Joan Llado

DIAGNOSIS DERMATOLOGICA SL como responsable del tratamiento tratará tus datos con la finalidad de dar de gestionar tu reserva de cita a través de nuestra web. Le informa que podría utilizar la aplicación de WhatsApp como medio de comunicación con sus clientes que implicaría una transferencia internacional de datos la cual se realiza con plenas garantías de acuerdo a la Decisión Adecuación relativa al Marco de Privacidad de datos UE-EE.UU del 10 de julio de 2023. Puedes acceder, rectificar y suprimir tus datos, así como ejercer otros derechos consultando la información adicional y detallada sobre protección de datos en nuestra Política de Privacidad

DIAGNOSIS DERMATOLOGICA SL como responsable del tratamiento tratará tus datos con la finalidad de dar respuesta a tu consulta o petición. Puedes acceder, rectificar y suprimir tus datos, así como ejercer otros derechos consultando la información adicional y detallada sobre protección de datos en nuestra Política de Privacidad

Suscripción Boletín

DIAGNOSIS DERMATOLOGICA SL como responsable del tratamiento tratará tus datos con la finalidad de remitirte nuestra newsletter con novedades comerciales sobre nuestros servicios. Puedes acceder, rectificar y suprimir tus datos, así como ejercer otros derechos consultando la información adicional y detallada sobre protección de datos en nuestra Política de Privacidad

DIAGNOSIS DERMATOLOGICA SL, as the data controller, will process your data in order to manage your appointment reservation through our website. It informs you that you could use the WhatsApp application as a means of communication with your clients, which would involve an international transfer of data which is carried out with full guarantees in accordance with the Adequacy Decision relating to the EU-US Data Privacy Framework of 10 July 2023. You can access, rectify and delete your data, as well as exercise other rights by consulting the additional and detailed information on data protection in our Privacy Policy

DIAGNOSIS DERMATOLOGICA SL, as the data controller, will process your data in order to respond to your query or request. You can access, rectify and delete your data, as well as exercise other rights by consulting the additional and detailed information on data protection in our Privacy Policy

Newsletter Subscription

DIAGNOSIS DERMATOLOGICA SL, as the data controller, will process your data in order to send you our newsletter with commercial news about our services. You can access, rectify and delete your data, as well as exercise other rights by consulting the additional and detailed information on data protection in our Privacy Policy

We inform you that we will remain closed from August 12 to 25 for staff rest. For emergencies you can send an email to cedilp@cedilp.com

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