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Dr. Alicia Barreiro Capurro

Specialist in medical-surgical dermatology, researcher and specialist in melanoma. COMB 46382

Dr. Alicia Barreiro is a specialist in dermatology, dermoscopy, confocal microscopy and aesthetic dermatology. Honorable mention from the 2007 class of the Faculty of Medical Sciences of the UNA and recognition for the best scientific research from the Chair of Microbiology (Paraguay).

Speaker at national and international seminars and conferences.

University courses, training, specialization and master’s degree.

Academic tutoring of students.

Graduate in Medicine and Surgery.

Degree in specialties: Clinical, surgical dermatology and venereology (Hospital Clínic de Barcelona).

More than 30 degrees in specialization courses.

More than 12 years of experience.

Researcher in R&D&I projects in public and private Administration calls.

Scientific and multidisciplinary committee of the Melanoma Unit of the Hospital Clínic of Barcelona.

Skin cancer

Spots on the skin



cosmetic medicine

Dermatoscopy and confocal microscopy

Author of numerous articles, studies and scientific reports.

Speaker at national and international conferences and congresses.

More than 200 international publications in prestigious scientific journals.

More than 200 national and international publications in prestigious scientific journals.

More than 300 articles and digital content published.

Member of the Confocal Working Group.

Functional characterization of a multi-cancer risk locus on chr5p15.33 reveals regulation of TERT by ZNF148.

Fang J, Jia J, Makowski M, Xu M, Wang Z, Zhang T, Hoskins JW, Choi J, Han Y, Zhang M, Thomas J, Kovacs M, Collins I, Dzyadyk M, Thompson A, O’Neill M, Das S, Lan Q, Koster R; PanScan Consortium; TRICL Consortium; GenoMEL Consortium, Stolzenberg-Solomon RS, Kraft P, Wolpin BM, Jansen PWTC, Olson S, McGlynn KA, Kanetsky PA, Chatterjee N, Barrett JH, Dunning AM, Taylor JC, Newton-Bishop JA, Bishop DT, Andresson T, Petersen GM, Amos CI, Iles MM, Nathanson KL, Landi MT, Vermeulen M, Brown KM, Amundadottir LT.

Nat Commun. 2017 May 2;8:15034. doi:10.1038/ncomms15034.

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